Structural Metallic Materials
Processing, Micro/Nano-structures & Mechanical Properties
Physical Metallurgy & Mechanical Metallurgy
Structural Metallic Materials
Processing, Micro/Nano-structures & Mechanical Properties
Physical Metallurgy & Mechanical Metallurgy
Lab Meeting
Research report by Fu (D3) and Suzumura (D2)
We are studying nano/micro-structure control and mechanical properties of advanced structural metallic materials. Structural materials provide superior mechanical properties and are indispensable for safety and progress of society. We try to clarify the formation mechanisms of nano/micro-structure through phase transformation, precipitation, recrystallization and severe plastic deformation, and to correlate the obtained structures with their strength, ductility and fracture behavior fundamentally. Especially, we have been one of the world-leading groups on bulk nanostructured metals. We endeavor to make the atmosphere where young students and researchers can independently develop their ability through frontier research. With diverse members including international students and researchers, we have been energetically carrying out research activities, often through collaborations with other groups in various universities, institutes and industries.