Tsuji wrote a chapter entitled "Proposing the Concept of Plaston and Strategy to Manage Both High Strength and Large Ductility in Advanced Structural Materials, on the Basis of Unique Mechanical Properties of Bulk Nanostructured Metals" in the book.
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Chu (Visiting PhD student) and Fu (D1)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Devendar (M2)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Fujii (M1) and Yamamoto (M1)
International Conference
We held the JSPS-STINT International Symposium for Young Researchers with co-researchers from Lund University in Sweden and Ritsumeikan University online.
Go and Suzumura gave presentations below.
"Correlation between strain-localized deformation banding and de-twinning in AZ31 Mg alloy"○Jongbin Go, Myeong-heom Park, Si Gao, Nobuhiro Tsuj
"Enhancement of strength and ductility in polycrystalline pure cobalt through stabilizing FCC phase by grain refinement"○T. Suzumura, S. Gao, S. Yoshida and N. Tsuji
Lab Meeting
Research report by Suzumura (M2) and Liu Jiankun (M2)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Kato (M1) and Liu Yuanhong (D1)
Mr. Kazuhiro OKI (Nippon Steel Corporation), an alumnus of our laboratory, visited our laboratory.
Prof. Tsuji gave an online lecture entitled "Activation of Unexpected Deformation Modes in Bulk Nanostructured Metals: Example of Large Super-Elasticity in Ti-Nb-Mo Alloy" for students in Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology.
Research Meeting
Tsuji and Yoshida held online meeting with co-researchers from University of West Bohemia in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Academy of Science in Slovakia on the EIG-CONCERT project.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Asada (M2) and Lau (M2)
International Conference
Tsuji, Yoshida and Ueda participated in the kick-off workshop for the EIG-CONCERT Japan project held online.
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Nakase (M2) and Devendar (M2)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Sawamura (B4) and Tokiwa (M2)
Domestic Conference
Our co-researcher, Prof. Kunimine (Kanazawa University) gave a presentation entitled "Effect of heat treatment on microstructure, mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of nanocrystalline Cu-2.7at.%Zr supersaturated solid solution alloys prepared by high pressure torsion" in the Joint Meeting of the Hokuriku-Shinetsu branch of JIM and ISIJ.
The Bulletin of The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, "Materia Japan, Vol. 61, 12" published a special issue entitled "Frontiers of Plaston Research" and Prof. Tsuji, Prof. Shibata (NIMS) and Prof. Adachi (University of Hyogo) contributed to the special issue. https://www.jim.or.jp/journal/m/61/12/
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Suzumura (M2) and Liu Jiankun (M2)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Katayama (B4) and Dono (B4)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Yako (D1) and Chu (Visiting PhD student)
International Conference <Invited Talk>
Tsuji gave a presentation entitled "Mesoscopic nature of serration behavior in high-Mn austenitic steel" in the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Structural Materials in Chongqing University.
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Nishikawa (B4) and Ueda (B4)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Fujii (M1) and Hashino (D1)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Go (D2/D3) and Matsumiya (D2)
The former ESISM Assosiate Professor, Dr. Gong was awarded the Encouragement Award of the Japan Society for Neutron Science.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Kato (M1) and Yamamoto (M1)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Matsumiya (D2) and Go (D2/D3)
A poster shown below by Yamamoto winned the Excellent Poster Award in the 171th JIM Fall Meeting.
"Deformation structure by cold-rolling and recrystallization behavior of Co20Cr40Ni40 medium entropy alloy"○Kentaro Yamamoto, Shuhei Yoshida, Naoto Yamazaki, Gong Wu, Takuro Kawasaki, Harjo Stefanus, Nobuhiro Tsuji
Mr. Gabrial Mauricio Castro Güiza has arrived at Kyoto and joined our group as a research student going to enter PhD course.
Domestic Conference <Keynote Lecture>
Prof. Tsuji participated in The 35th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan held in Tokushima University and gave a keynote lecture entitled "Unique high-temperature deformation behavior in HfNbTaTiZr BCC high entropy alloy". https://fall35.ceramic.or.jp/
International Conference
Tsuji, Gao, Park, Yoshida and Baoqi participated in the 42nd Risø International Symposium on Materials Science: Microstructural variability: Processing, analysis, mechanisms and properties.
Gao, Park and Yoshida gave oral presentations and Baoqi gave a poster presentation. https://www.conferencemanager.dk/42ndsymposium//
All B4 students have passed the entrance exam for the master course.
International Conference <Plenary Lecture>
Prof. Tsuji participated in The 6th International Conference on ThermoMechanical Processing (TMP 2022) and gave a plenary lecture entitled "Thermomechanical Processing for Fabricating Ultrafine Grained Steels". https://tmp2020.scimeeting.cn/en/web/index/
International Conference
Our co-researcher, Prof. Nakagawa (Okayama University of Science) gave a poster presentation in The 18th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA18) online. https://www.icaa18.org
Dr. Guohua ZHAO has finished his JSPS International Research Fellowship and has become a post-D fellow in our group.
Domestic Conference
Park, Hwang, Hashino, Yako, Lau, Yamamoto and Kato participated in the meeting for deformation and fracture of material in high-temperature 2022.
Hwang and Kato gave presentations in the meeting.
The paper by Yoshida and He both of which Young Scientist Best Paper Award was given are introduced in this article.
Yuanhong LIU and Jinge YAN came to Japan and have started their PhD student life in Kyoto University.
Prof. Tsuji gave a lecture entitled "Microstructure of metal materials and its effect on mechanical properties (dislocation theory and plaston concept)" in CREST "Nanomechanics" 3rd meeting "Microstructure Control and Mechanical Properties" online.
Visiting Researchers
Prof. Pinaki Prased Bhattachajee started his 10 months stay as a JSPS International Invited Researcher.
Visiting Researchers
Xiaolong Li (Charmers University, Sweden), who is staying in Prof. Murakami's group in NIMS, visited our lab for his experiments.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Park (Assistant Professor) and Gao (Senior Lecturer)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Hwang (CREST Assistant Professor) and Yoshida (Assistant Professor)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Hashino (D1) and Hirata (D1)
Research Meeting
Prof. Tsuji held a CREST "Nanomechanics" group research meeting at Shiinoki Cultural Complex and a site visit at Kanazawa Univ.
Hwang and Gao gave presentations shown below in the meeting.
Hwang: The nature of serration behavior and Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect in high-Mn austenitic steel
Gao: Tensile properties of TRIP-assisted FeNiC steel and FeCoCrV medium entropy alloy
Lab Meeting
Research report by Yamamoto (M1) and Chong (ESISM Assistant Professor)
Lab Meeting
2nd rehearsal for M2 mid-term presentation
Domestic Conference
Tsuji, Go, Suzumura and Dono partipated in The 25th Research Report Meeting of The Light Metal Educational Foundation, Inc.
Lab Meeting
1st rehearsal for M2 mid-term presentation
Lab Meeting
Research report by Kato (M1) and Fujii (M1)
Lab Meeting
Research introduction by Zhao and Chu
Seminars and Lectures
Prof. Tsuji participated in "The 36th Basic Workshop for Heat Treatment Engineers" and gave a lecture entitled "Thinking about heat treatment in the atomic dimension".
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Asada (M2) and Lau (M2)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Nakase (M2)
Visitng Researchers
CHU Chenliang came to Japan and started his 1-year stay for research.
Visiting Researchers
Prof. David Rodney (The Institute of Light and Matter, University of Lyon, France) and Prof. Shigenobu Ogata (Osaka University) visited our laboratory and had a discussion shown below.
Presentation by Chong: How oxygen interacts with defects in titanium - experimental and simulation studies
Presentation by Hwang: Nature of serration behavior and Portevin–Le Chatelier (PLC) effect in high-Mn austenitic steel
Seminar by Prof. David Rodney: Atomistic modelling of dislocations and interfaces in metals and oxides
Lab Meeting
Research report by Lau (M2) and Tokiwa (M2)
The meeting of Suiyokai has been held at Yoshida Campus, Kyoto Univ.
Visiting Researchers
ZHAO Guohua came to Japan and started his stay as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term).
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Suzumura (M2) and Fujii (M1)
International Conference <Keynote Lecture>
Prof. Tsuji gave a keynote lecture, Gao and Park gave presentations and Avala and Mao gave poster presentation in The 7th International Conference on Advanced Steels (ICAS 2022). Click here for more information https://icas2022.jp
Visiting Researchers
Prof. Atul Chokshi has returned to India after a 10-month stay as a JSPS Visitng Researcher.
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Hashino (D1) and Yamamoto (M1)
Prof. Tsuji and Chong visited theMurayama lab. (Institute of Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) and had a meeting about CREST project.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Liu Jiankun (M2), ICAS 2022 Rehearsal by Gao (Lecturer) and Park (Assistant Professor)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Nakase (M2) and Liu Yuanhong (D1)
Domestic Conference
Yoshida made a poster presentation entitled "Unique deformation behavior of ultrafine-grained CoCrNi medium entropy alloys" in Grant in Aid Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "High Entropy Alloys" Start-up Meeting 2022.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Asada (M2) and Suzumura (M2)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Hirata (D1) and Tokiwa (M2)
Lab Meeting
Research report by Go (D2/D3) and Matsumiya (D2)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Liu Jiankun (M2) and Kato (M1)
Lab Meeting
Teatime seminar by Devendar (M2) and Matsumiya (D2) and Safety lecture
Lab Meeting
Research introduction by Hirata (D1), Liu Yuanhong (D1) and Yan (D1)
Domestic Conference
Prof. Tsuji gave a presentation entitled "Achieving High-Strength and High-Ductility Metals by Controlling Nucleation of Various Deformation Modes" in JST CREST "Nanomechanics" 4th meeting.
New B4 students (Ueda, Katayama, Sawamura, Dono, Nishikawa) have been assigned.
Domestic Conference
Prof. Tsuji made an invited lecture entitled "Methods for Combining High Strength and High Ductility in Metallic Materials and
Plaston-based understanding of material deformation phenomena" in the Japan Thermal Spray Society Kanto Branch Lecture.
New D1 students (Hirata, Hashino, LIU Yuanhong, YAN Jinge) and M1 students (Kato, Fujii, Yamamoto) have been assigned.
Seminars and Lectures
Prof. Tsuji gave a lecture entitled "Possibility of Nanostructured Steels Managing Both High Strength and Large Ductility" in POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology) GIFT (Graduate School of Ferrous Technology) Seminar.
Domestic Conference
Go made a presentation entitled "Microstructure Evolution and Tensile Properties of AZ31 Mg alloy With Crystallographically Heterogeneous Microstructure" in The Japan Institute of Light Metals 70th Anniversary Symposium in Kansai Branch.
Domestic Conference
Matsumiya, Yamashita, Lau, Nakase gave presentations at ISIJ Spring Meeting online. Please refer to the link below for more information. (ISIJ Spring Meeting)
Domestic Conference
Tsuji, Yoshida, Go, Chong, Hashino, Asada, Tokiwa, Suzumura, Liu, Devender, Kato gave presentations at JIM Spring Meeting online. Please refer to the link below for more information. (JIM Spring Meeting)
International Conference
Tsuji, Yoshida, Go and Kang participated in TMS 2022 Annual Meeting and posted presentation movies.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Gao (Lecturer) and Park (Assistant Professor)
Lab Meeting
2nd rehearsal for JIM / ISIJ spring meeting
Domestic Conference
Guo (Post-doctoral Fellow) made a poster presentation entitled "In-situ neutron diffraction observation of dynamic transformation during the high temperature deformation of a Zircaloy-4 alloy" in 2021 Quantum Beam Science Festa.
International Conference
Our co-researcher, Prof. Inoue (Tohoku university) gave a poster presentation at Summit of Materials Science 2022 and GIMRT User Meeting 2022 Affiliated with KINKEN WAKATE2022.
"Local chemical ordering in CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy and its impact on mechanical properties"○Koji Inoue, Shuhei Yoshida, Nobuhiro Tsuji
A review paper shown below collaborated by Tsuji has been published in Materials Research Letters, 10 (2022). "Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation: review of historical developments and recent advances"○Kaveh Edalati, Andrea Bachmaier, Victor A. Beloshenko, Yan Beygelzimer, Vladimir D. Blank, Walter J. Botta, Krzysztof Bryła, Jakub Čížek, Sergiy Divinski, Nariman A. Enikeev, Yuri Estrin, Ghader Faraji, Roberto B. Figueiredo, Masayoshi Fuji, Tadahiko Furuta, Thierry Grosdidier, Jenő Gubicza, Anton Hohenwarter, Zenji Horita, Jacques Huot, Yoshifumi Ikoma, Miloš Janeček, Megumi Kawasaki, Petr Král, Shigeru Kuramoto, Terence G. Langdon, Daniel R. Leiv, Valery I. Levitas, Andrey Mazilkin, Masaki Mito, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Terukazu Nishizaki, Reinhard Pippan, Vladimir V. Popov, Elena N. Popova, Gencaga Purcek, Oliver Renk, Ádám Révész, Xavier Sauvage, Vaclav Sklenicka, Werner Skrotzki, Boris B. Straumal, Satyam Suwas, Laszlo S. Toth, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Ruslan Z. Valiev, Gerhard Wilde, Michael J. Zehetbauer, and Xinkun Zhu: Materials Research Letters, 10 (2022), pp. 163-256.
Lab Meeting
Research report by Hwang (CREST Assistant Professor) and Yoshida (Assistant Professor)
Yoshida (Assistant Professor) was awarded the Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists. Click here for more information
Lab Meeting
2nd rehearsal for master thesis presentation by all M2 students