Effect of rolling reduction on ultrafine grained structure and mechanical properties of low-carbon steel thermomechanically processed from martensite starting structure
Corrosion behavior of ultra-fine grained Al and Al-2%Cu alloy produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Nobuhiro Tsuji
2004 in Corrosion and Protection of Light Metal Alloys
Surface nanocrystalline metallic materials fabricated by near surface severe plastic deformation
Yuichiro Koizumi
2004 in Surfaces and Interfaces in Nanostructured Materials and Trends in Liga, Miniaturization, and Nanoscale Materials
Structure of martensite transformed from severely deformed austenite in Fe-28.5at.%Ni
Yuichiro Koizumi
2004 in Ultrafine Grained Materials Iii
Fabrication of bulk nanostructured materials by ARB (accumulative roll bonding) process
Nobuhiro Tsuji
2004 in Ultrafine Grained Materials Iii
Microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained low carbon steel fabricated by conventional cold-rolling and annealing of martensite (martensite process)
Ueji, R; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Minamino, Y; Koizumi, Y
2004 in Ultrafine Grained Materials Iii
Fabrication of Surface Nanocrystalline Aluminum Alloys
High damping capacity of ultra-fine grained aluminum produced by accumulative roll bonding
Yuichiro Koizumi; Masanori Ueyama; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Yoritoshi Minamino; Ken’ichi Ota
Jun 2003 in Journal of Alloys and Compounds
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-8388(03)00265-2
Microstructural change of ultrafine-grained aluminum during high-speed plastic deformation
N. Tsuji; T. Toyoda; Y. Minamino; Y. Koizumi; T. Yamane; M. Komatsu; M. Kiritani
Jun 2003 in Materials Science and Engineering: A
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5093(02)00709-8
ARB (Accumulative Roll-Bonding) and other new Techniques to Produce Bulk Ultrafine Grained Materials
Nobuhiro Tsuji; Y. Saito; S.-H. Lee; Y. Minamino
May 2003 in Advanced Engineering Materials
DOI: 10.1002/ADEM.200310077
Quantitative analysis of structure-strength relation of commercial purity aluminium deformed by accumulative roll bonding and annealed at low temperature
Effect of Aluminum and Silicon on Magnetic Properties and Microstructures of Fe-Cr-Ni-C-Al and Fe-Cr-Ni-C-Si Alloys
Shin-ichiro YOKOYAMA; Tsutomu INUI; Yoritoshi MINAMINO; Nobuhiro Tsuji
2003 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.89.7_803
Effect of Strain on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of ARB Processed and Annealed Ultra-low Carbon IF Steel
Nobuhiro Tsuji; Yoshihiro SAITO
2003 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.89.2_273
Interdiffusion in Co Solid Solutions of Co-Al-Cr-Ni System at 1423 K
Mechanical properties of nano-structured plain low-carbon steels produced by conventional cold-rolling and annealing of martensite starting microstructure
Ueji, R; Tsuji, N; Minamino, Y; Koizumi, Y; Saito, Y
2002 in Ultrafine Grained Materials Ii
Effect of Al concentration on growth of antiphase domains in Ti3Al
Yuichiro Koizumi; Katsumura, H; Minamino, Y; Tsuji, N
2002 in Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
DOI: 10.1557/PROC-705-Y7.10
Ultragrain refinement of plain low carbon steel by cold-rolling and annealing of martensite
Fabrication and Refinement of 6061(p)/6063 Aluminum Laminate by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
Seong Hee Lee; Yoshihiro Saito; Tetsuo Sakai; Hiroshi Utsunomiya; Nobuhiro Tsuji
May 2000 in Materials Science Forum
DOI: 10.4028/WWW.SCIENTIFIC.NET/MSF.331-337.1169
Change in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-Fine Grained Aluminum during Annealing
Yoshinori Ito; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Yoshihiro Saito; Hiroshi Utsunomiya; Tetsuo Sakai
2000 in Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
DOI: 10.2320/JINSTMET1952.64.6_429
Dynamic Recrystallization in 18% Cr Ferritic Steel
Hiroyuki YAGI; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Yoshihiro SAITO
2000 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.86.5_349
Ultra-fine grained ferrous and aluminum alloys produced by accumulative roll-bonding
Nobuhiro Tsuji
2000 in Ultrafine Grained Materials
Pt diffusion in B2-type ordered NiAl intermetallic compound and its diffusion mechanisms
Minamino, Y.; Koizumi, Y.; Tsuji, N.; Morioka, M.; Hirao, K.; Shirai, Y.
2000 in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
DOI: 10.1016/S1468-6996(01)00003-1
Ultra-fine grained bulk steel produced by accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Strengthening of Sheath-Rolled Aluminum Based MMC by the ARB Process
Seong-Hee Lee; Tetsuo Sakai; Yoshihiro Saito; Hiroshi Utsunomiya; Nobuhiro Tsuji
1999 in Materials Transactions, JIM
DOI: 10.2320/MATERTRANS1989.40.1422
Superplasticity of Ultra-Fine Grained Al–Mg Alloy Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
Nobuhiro Tsuji; Katsuhiko Shiotsuki; Yoshihiro Saito
1999 in Materials Transactions, JIM
DOI: 10.2320/MATERTRANS1989.40.765
Mechanical Properties of Spring Wire Drawn and Tempered at Lower Bainite Region
Michihiko AYADA; Kazuo INOUE; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Yoshihiro SAITO
1999 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.85.8_605
Accumulative Roll-Bonding of 1100 Aluminum
Yoshihiro Saito; Hiroshi Utsunomiya; Nobuhiro Tsuji; Tetsuo Sakai; Ren-Guo Hong
1999 in Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
DOI: 10.2320/JINSTMET1952.63.6_790
Development of Aus-drawing Process in Medium Carbon Spring Steel for Coil Springs
Michihiko AYADA; Kazuo INOUE; Nobuhiro TSUJI; Hiroshi UTSUNOMIYA; Yoshihiro SAITO
1999 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.85.5_411
Ausformed Bainite in SUP7 Spring Steel
Nobuhiro Tsuji; Michihiko AYADA; Taichi TAKASHIMA; Yoshihiro SAITO
1999 in Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
DOI: 10.2355/TETSUTOHAGANE1955.85.5_419
Formation of Ultra-Fine Grains in 5182 Aluminum Alloy Heavily Rolled at Warm Temperatures
Nobuhiro Tsuji; Takeshi Murakami; Yoshihiro Saito
1999 in Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
DOI: 10.2320/JINSTMET1952.63.2_243
Novel ultra-high straining process for bulk materials - Development of the accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process
Effect of initial orientation on the cold-rolling behavior of solidified columnar crystals in an Fe-36%Ni austenitic alloy
N. Tsuji; H. Takebayashi; T. Takiguchi; K. Tsuzaki; T. Maki
Feb 1995 in Acta Metallurgica et Materialia
DOI: 10.1016/0956-7151(94)00264-I
Recrystallization of solidified columnar crystals in an Fe-36%Ni austenitic alloy
N. Tsuji; H. Takebayashi; T. Takiguchi; K. Tsuzaki; T. Maki
Feb 1995 in Acta Metallurgica et Materialia
DOI: 10.1016/0956-7151(94)00263-H
Effects of Rolling Reduction and Annealing Temperature on the Recrystallization Structure of Solidified Columnar Crystals in a 19% Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel.
Research Trend on Ultrafine Grained Light Metals (From a Viewpoint of Physical Metallurgy)
Materia Japan, 43 (2004), No.5, pp.405-410. (in Japanese)
ARB (Accumulative Roll-Bonding) and Other New Techniques to Produce Bulk Ultrafine Grained Materials
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, S.H.Lee and Y.Minamino:
Advanced Engineering Materials, 5 (2003), No.5, pp.338-344. <119>
Awarded the 100 best paper award in Osaka University, July 2004, Osaka Univ.
DOI: 10.1002/adem.200310077
Friction Stir Welding of Ultrafine Grained Materials
Hidetoshi Fujii, Yutaka Takada, Nobuhiro Tsuji and Kiyoshi Nogi:
Proc. of the 5th Int. FSW Symp., 14-16 September, 2004, Metz, France. CD-R, 4B-2. (7 pages)
Friction Stir Welding of Ultrafine Grained Aluminum and Copper
H.Fujii, Y.Takada, N.Tsuji and K.Nogi:
Proc. of IIW (Int. Inst. Welding) Pre-Assembly Meeting on "Friction Stir Welding" in Nagoya 2004 (2004), pp.19-24.
Atomic Structure of Grain Boundaries in ARB Processed Copper
K.Ikeda, K.Yamada, N.Tanaka, F.Yoshida, H.Nakashima and N.Tsuji:
Proc. of the 25th RISO Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci., (2004), pp.357-362.
Redundant Shear Strain and Ultrafine Grained Microstructure in Ultralow Carbon IF Steel Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
N.Kamikawa, N.Tsuji, T.Sakai and Y.Minamino:
Proc. of the 25th RISO Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci., (2004), pp.369-376.
Microstructure and Texture Distribution in Ferritic and Austenitic Steels Intensely Deformed by ARB Process
B.L.Li, N.Kamikawa, N.Tsuji and Y.Minamino:
Proc. of the 25th RISO Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci., (2004), pp.403-410.
Microstructure of Metals and Alloys Deformed to Ultrahigh Strains
N.Tsuji, X.Huang and H.Nakashima:
Proc. of the 25th RISO Int. Symp. on Mater. Sci., (2004). pp.147-170.
Effect of Redundant Shear Strain on Ultrafine Grained Structure in IF Steel Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
N.Kamikawa, N.Tsuji, T.Sakai and Y.Minamino:
Proc. of the 8th Ultra-Steel Workshop, "Proposal of New Constructions with Ultra Steel"
NIMS, Tsukuba, (2004). pp.228-229.
Corrosion Behavior of Ultra-Fine Grained Al and Al-2%Cu Alloy Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
Shinji Fujimoto, Taku Iwata, Nobuhiro Tsuji and Yoritoshi Minamino:
Proc. of Corrosion and Protection of Light Metals Alloys, Ed. by R.G. Kelly, Oct, 2003, Orland, PV2003-23, The Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series, Pennington, NJ, (2004), pp.141-147.
ARB (Accumulative Roll-Bonding) and Other New Techniques to Produce Bulk Ultrafine Grained Materials
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, Y.Minamino and S.H.Lee:
"Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation" (Proc. of NanoSPD2), Edited by M.J.Zehetbauer and R.Z.Valiev, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, (2004), pp.479-490.
Martensite Transformed from Ultrafine Grained Austenite Fabricated by ARB Process in 29.6wt%Ni Steel
H.Kitahara, N.Tsuji, T.Kimura, Y.Koizumi and Y.Minamino:
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Structural Steels (ICASS), April 14-16, 2004, Shanghai, Vol.1 (2004), pp.227-231.
Surface Nanocrystalline Metallic Materials Fabricated by Near Surface Severe Plastic Deformation
N.Tsuji, M.Sato, Y.Minamino and Y.Koizumi:
"Surfaces and Interfaces in Nanostructured Materials", TMS, (2004), pp.93-101.
Fabrication of Bulk Nanostructured Materials by ARB (Accumulative Roll Bonding) Process
N.Tsuji, N.Kamikawa, H.W.Kim and Y.Minamino:
"Ultrafine Grained Materials III", edited by Y.T.Zhu, T.G.Langdon, R.Z.Valiev, S.L.Semiatin, D.H.Shin and T.C.Lowe, TMS (2004), 219-226. (invited)
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Low Carbon Steel Fabricated by Conventional Cold-Rolling and Annealing of Martensite (Martensite Process)
R.Ueji, N.Tsuji, Y.Minamino and Y.Koizumi :
"Ultrafine Grained Materials III", edited by Y.T.Zhu, T.G.Langdon, R.Z.Valiev, S.L.Semiatin, D.H.Shin and T.C.Lowe, TMS (2004), 143-148.
Structure of Martensite Transformed from Severely Deformed Austenite in Fe-28.5at.%Ni
H.Kitahara, T.Kimura, N.Tsuji, Y.Koizumi and Y.Minamino:
"Ultrafine Grained Materials III", edited by Y.T.Zhu, T.G.Langdon, R.Z.Valiev, S.L.Semiatin, D.H.Shin and T.C.Lowe, TMS (2004), 369-374.
Toughness of Ultrafine Grained Ferritic Steel Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation
N.Tsuji, S.Okuno, Y.Koizumi and Y.Minamino:
extended abstract for the 2nd ISUGS, , (2003), CD-R, in press. (invited)
Effect of Antiphase Domain Boundaries on Prism Slip in Ti3Al Single Crystals
Effects of reduction and carbon contents on the mechanical properties of the multiphased UFG steels fabricated by martensite cold-rolling and annealing
Rintaro Ueji, Nobuhiro Tsuji, Yoritoshi Minamino and Yuichiro Koizumi:
The 7th STX-21 Workshop, June 24, 2003, Tsukuba, NIMS (2003), pp.322-323.
Galvannealed Behavior on Ultrafine Grained IF Steel Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding and Annealing
M.Arai, T.Toki, S.Hinotani, N.Tsuji and Y.Minamino :
Int. Forum for the Properties and Application of IF Steel (IF Steel 2003), May 12-14, 2003, Arcadia Ichigaya, Tokyo. , edited by H.Takechi, ISIJ, Tokyo (2003), pp.228-231.
Effect of Strain on Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of ARB Processed and Annealed IF Steel
N.Kamikawa, N.Tsuji, Y.Saito and Y.Minamino :
Int. Forum for the Properties and Application of IF Steel (IF Steel 2003), May 12-14, 2003, Arcadia Ichigaya, Tokyo. , edited by H.Takechi, ISIJ, Tokyo (2003), pp.389-392.
Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained IF Steel
N.Tsuji, R.Ueji and Y.Minamino :
Int. Forum for the Properties and Application of IF Steel (IF Steel 2003), May 12-14, 2003, Arcadia Ichigaya, Tokyo., edited by H.Takechi, ISIJ, Tokyo (2003), pp.347-356. (invited keynote)
Fabrication of Ultrafine Grained Metallic Materials by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
N.Tsuji, Y.Minamino, Y.Koizumi and Y.Saito :
The 11th Int. Symp. on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM XI), Oct. 7-10, 2002, Columbus, Ohio., edited by T.S.Srivatsan and R.A.Varin, ASM, Materials Park, OH (2003), pp.320-334. (invited keynote)
Effect of Al Concentration on Growth of Antiphase Domains in Ti3Al
Y.Koizumi, H.Katsumura, Y.Minamino and N.Tsuji :
Mat. Rec. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol.705, (2002), Materials Research Society, pp.217-222.
Orientation Analysis of Ultra-fine Grained Bulk Materials Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process by the Use of EBSD Technique
R.Yoda, H.Haren, N.Tsuji, R.Ueji, T.Toyoda and Y.Minamino :
Proc. of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2002, Quebec City, Canada, Aug.4-8, 2002., Microscopy & Microanalysis, Vol.8, Suppl.2 (2002), Cambridge University Press, CD-R version, 676CD.
Mechanism of Nano-Crystal Formation by Large Plastic Deformation
N.Tsuji :
The 1st Int. Conf. on Advanced Structural Steels (ICASS 2002), NRIM, Japan, (2002), pp.41-42. (invited keynote)
Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Low-Carbon Steels Produced by Conventional Cold-Rolling and Annealing of Martensite Starting Microstructure
A Novel Process to Obtain Nanostructured Low-Carbon Bulky Steel with High Strength
N.Tsuji, R.Ueji, Y.Saito, Y.Koizumi and Y.Minamino :
Proc. of the 22nd RISO Int. Symp. on Materials Science, RISO National Laboratory, Denmark, (2001), pp.407-415.
Characterization of Ultra-Fine Microstructures in Aluminum Highly Strained by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)
X.Huang, N.Tsuji, Y.Minamino and N.Hansen :
Proc. of the 22nd RISO Int. Symp. on Materials Science, RISO National Laboratory, Denmark, (2001), pp.255-262.
Ultra Grain Refinement of 36%Ni Steel by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
K.Inoue, N.Tsuji and Y.Saito :
Proc. of Int. Symp. on Ultrafine Grained Steels (ISUGS-2001), ISIJ, Sep.20-22, 2001, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.126-129.
Thermomechanical Processing Starting from Martensitic Structure -A Novel Way to Obtain Ultrafine Grained High Strength Steels-
R.Ueji, N.Tsuji, Y.Saito and Y.Minamino :
Proc. of Int. Symp. on Ultrafine Grained Steels (ISUGS-2001), ISIJ, Sep.20-22, 2001, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.222-225.
Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Ferritic Steels Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
N.Tsuji, Y.Ito, R.Ueji, Y.Minamino, Y.Koizumi and Y.Saito :
Proc. of Int. Symp. on Ultrafine Grained Steels (ISUGS-2001), ISIJ, Sep.20-22, 2001, Fukuoka, Japan, pp.256-259.
Grain Refinement and Strengthening of 6061 Aluminum Alloy by Accumulative Roll-Bonding Process
S.H.Lee, Y.Saito, T.Sakai, H.Utsunomiya and N.Tsuji :
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Light Materials for Transportation Systems (LiMAT 2001), Edited by Nack J.Kim, C.S.Lee and D.Eylon, Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials, Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech, (2001), pp.635-640.
Recent Development in Meso/Nano Scale Crystallographic Analysis of Steels
N.Tsuji :
Proc. of the 5th STX-21 Workshop, NRIM (2001), pp.126-130. (invited keynote)
Formation Process of Ultra-Fine Grains during Intense Straining of Low-Carbon Steels
N.Tsuji, R.Ueji, Y.Saito and Y.Minamino :
Proc. of the 5th STX-21 Workshop, NRIM (2001), pp.308-309.
In-situ Recrystallization of Ultra-fine Grains in Highly Strained Metallic Materials
N.Tsuji, R.Ueji, Y.Ito and Y.Saito :
Proc. of the 21st RISO Int. Symp. on Materials Science, RISO National Laboratory, Denmark, (2000), pp.607-616.
Ultra-Fine Grained Ferrous and Aluminum Alloys Produced by Accumulative Roll-Bonding
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, H.Utsunomiya and T.Sakai :
'Ultra-Fine Grained Materials', edited by R.S.Mishra, S.L.Semiatin, C.Suryanarayana, N.N.Thadhani, and T.C.Lowe , TMS (2000), pp.207-218.
Effect of Boron Addition on Microstructure and Texture of Hot-Rolled Ti-Bearing IF Steel Sheet
T.Sakai, Y.Hirai, N.Tsuji and Y.Saito :
Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena (Rex'99; JIMIS-10), JIM, (1999), pp.399-404.
Nucleation Condition of Dynamic Recrystallization in Ferritic Iron
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito and T.Maki :
Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena (Rex'99; JIMIS-10), JIM, (1999), pp.253-257.
Microstructure and Texture Control by Novel Rolling Processes
Y,Saito, T.Sakai, H.Utsunomiya and N.Tsuji :
Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), Springer, vol.2, (1999), pp.1923-1930.
Formation Process of Ultra-Fine Grains in Aluminum Alloys Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, R.G.Hong, H.Utsunomiya and T.Sakai :
Proc. of 20th RISO International Symposium on Deformation-Induced Microstructures: Analysis and Relation to Property, RISO National Laboratory, Denmark, (1999), pp.523-528.
Formation of Ultra-Fine Grains in Ferrous and Aluminum Alloys Highly Strained by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB)
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, H.Utsunomiya and T.Sakai :
Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena (Rex'99; JIMIS-10), JIM, (1999), pp.309-314.
Microstructure and Texture of Aluminum and Al-Mg Alloy Strips Produced by Melt Direct-Rolling Process
Y.Saito, N.Tsuji, Y.Nagai and T.Sakai :
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials (Thermec'97), edited by T.Chandra, TMS, (1998), pp.2381-2387.
Dynamic Recrystallization of Ferrite in IF Steel
Y.Matsubara, N.Tsuji and Y.Saito :
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials (Thermec'97), edited by T.Chandra, TMS, (1998), pp.653-659.
Initial Orientation Dependence of Recrystallization in Hot-Deformed Ferritic Steel
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito and T.Shinmiya :
Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials (Thermec'97), edited by T.Chandra, TMS, (1998), pp.403-409.
Proposal of Novel Ultra-High Straining Process for Bulk Materials -Development of the Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process-
Y.Saito, H.Utsunomiya, N.Tsuji and T.Sakai :
Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-6), Jpn. Inst. of Light Metals, (1998), pp.2003-2008.
Production of Ultra-Fine Grained Bulk Aluminum Alloys by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
Y.Saito, N.Tsuji, H.Utsunomiya, T.Sakai and R.G.Hong :
Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA-6), Jpn. Inst. of Light Metals, (1998), pp.1967-1972.
Development of Melt Direct Rolling Process
N.Tsuji and Y.Saito :
Proc. of the 7th Int. Symp. on Physical Simulation of Casting, Hot Rolling and Welding (ISPS'97), edited by H.G.Suzuki, T.Sakai and F.Matsuda, NRIM, Tsukuba, Japan, (1997), pp.209-218.
Effect of Initial Orientation on Subgrain Structure of Hot-Compressed Fe-18Cr Single Crystals
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, T.Kiyosada and T.Fukada :
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Topics (ReX'96), edited by T.R.McNelley, Monterey Institute of Advanced Studies, Monterey, California, (1997), pp.461-468.
Microstructure and Mechanical Property of the Al-Si Alloy Strips Direct-rolled from Molten State
N.Tsuji and Y.Saito :
Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on the Technology of Plasticity (5th ICTP), edited by T.Altan, Ohio, (1996), pp.907-910.
Production of Aluminum Thin Sheet by Melt Direct Rolling Method and Its Properties
N.Tsuji, T.Sakai and Y.Saito :
Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, edited by S.Tanimura and A.S.Khan, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Plasticity and Its Current Applications (PLASTICITY '95), Gordon and Breach Publishers, (1995), pp.1043-1046
Recrystallization of Columnar Crystals of Ferritic Stainless Steel
K.Tsuzaki, N.Tsuji and T.Maki :
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recrystallization in Metallic Materials (Recrystallization '90), TMS, (1990), pp.151-156.
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Metallic Materials Fabricated by Accumulative Roll-Bonding (ARB) Process
ABSTRACT of International Workshop on Nanostructured Metallic Materials, (2003). Nanotechnology Research Network Center of Japan, Tohoku University Materials Research Center (21st Century COE Program). Mar.9-12, 2003, Akiu.
N.Tsuji, Y.Saito, S.H.Lee and Y.Minamino
"ARB (Accumulative Roll-Bonding) and other new Techniques to Produce Bulk Ultrafine Grained Materials", Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol.5 (2003), pp.338-344.
R.Ueji, N.Tsuji, Y.Minamino and Y.Koizumi,
"Ultragrain Refinement of Plain Low Carbon Steel by Cold-Rolling and Annealing of Martensite", Acta Mater., 50 (2002), 4177-4189.
Excellent Reviewer Award
Nobuhiro Tsuji
Acta Materialia & Scripta Materialia, (2003).
"Ultrafine Grained Aluminum Alloys"
November 18, 2000, Japan Institute of Light Metals.
Sawamura Award (Best Paper Award in ISIJ International)
N.Tsuji, T.Shinmiya, Y.Saito and M.Muraki
"Deformation Microstructure and Nucleation of Recrystallization in Hot-Deformed Single Crystals of 18%Cr Ferritic Steel", ISIJ Int., 38 (1998), pp.380-389
March 29, 1999. Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.
The 7th JIM Young Scientists Award, Microstructure Division
September 24, 1997. Japan Institute of Metals.
The 17th Honda Kotaro Young Scientist Award
"Microstructure and Texture Control of Strip Cast Steels"
May 15, 1996, Honda Kotaro Foundation.