Development of highly cube textured nickel superconductor substrate tapes by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB)
Bhattacharjee, Pinaki P.; Nobuhiro Tsuji
2011 in International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift Fuer Metallkunde)
DOI: 10.3139/146.110465
Continuous bending-drawing process to manufacture the ultrafine copper wire with excellent electrical and mechanical properties
Jun Yanagimoto; Junichiro Tokutomi; Kenichi Hanazaki; Nobuhiro Tsuji
2011 in CIRP Annals
DOI: 10.1016/J.CIRP.2011.03.148
Development of Textured Coated Superconductor Substrate Tapes by Severe Plastic Deformation Processing
Influence of Accumulative Roll Bonding and Cold Rolling Processes on the Precipitation Strengthening Properties for Cu-Ni-P Alloy
K. Nomura; Y. Miwa; Y. Takagawa; C. Watanabe; R. Monzen; D. Terada; N. Tsuji
2011 in Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals
DOI: 10.2320/JINSTMET.75.509
Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Ultrafine Grained Cu Fabricated by Giant Straining Process
N.Tsuji, N.Takata, S.H.Lee and K.Hanazaki
Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM 2010), edited by Z.Horita, Kyushu University Press (2011), pp.5-6.
The 2010 Sydney H. Melbourne Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Automotive Sheet Steel, April, 2011, from SAE International
Y.Okitsu, T.Naito, N.Takata, T.Sugiura and N.Tsuji
Mechanical Properties and Crash Worthiness of Ultrafine Grained Multi-Phase Steel Sheets for Automotive Body Applications.
Effect of Ultrahigh Straining on the Evolution of Cube Texture ({001}<100>) in High Purity Nickel
○Pinaki Prasad Bhattacharjee and Nobuhiro Tsuji
Bombay, India
Texture evolution in ARB processed commercial purity aluminium
○Yoji Miyajima, Daisuke Kashioka, Nobuhiro Tsuji
Bombay, India
Stability of Cube Oriented Grains during Cold-Rolling of Highly Cube-Oriented Polycrystalline Nickel
○Nobuhiro Tsuji, Yoshihiro Takatsuji, Yoji Miyajima, Pinaki Prasad Bhattacharjee and Daisuke Terada
Bombay, India
Effect of strong initial cube texture on the evolution of microstructure and texture during cold rolling and annealing of polycrystalline nickel
○P.P. Bhattacharjee, Y. Takatsuji, Y. Miyajima, D. Terada, N. Tsuji
National Metallurgist Day (NMD-11), India
Hyderabad, India
“Possibilities to Manage Both Strength and Ductility in Bulk Nanostructured Steels”
Int. Symp. on Material Science and Innovation for Sustainable Society --- Eco-materials and Eco-innovation for Global Sustainability--- The 21st Iketani Conference
Hotel Hankyu Expo Park, Suita, Osaka
Variant Selection of Martensite Transformation from Ultrafine Grained Austenite in Fe-Ni-C Alloy
○H.R.Jafarian, E.Borhani, A.Shibata and N.Tsuji
Osaka, Japan
Dependence of Sheet Direction on Fatigue Properties in ARB Processed Titanium
○H.Kitahara, S.Matsushita, M.Tsushida, S.Ando and N.Tsuji
Thermec 2011: Severe Plastic Deformation
Quebec City, Canada
Systematic Approach to Clarify the Mechanism of Dynamic Transformation in Fe – 6Ni – 0.1C Steel
○N.K.Park, A.Shibata and N.Tsuji
Thermec 2011: J.J.Jonas Symposium
Quebec City, Canada
Crystallographic Features of Martensite Transformed from Ultrafine Grained Austenite Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation
○A. Shibata, H.R. Jafarian, D. Terada, N. Tsuji
Thermec 2011: Severe Plastic Deformation
Quebec City, Canada
Acceleration of Grain Refinement by Repeating Severe Plastic Deformation and Phase Transformation in Fe-Ni-C Alloys
○N.Tsuji, T.Maekawa, D.Terada and N.Takata
Thermec 2011: Severe Plastic Deformation
Quebec City, Canada
Characterization of Defects in Severely Deformed Metals by Mechanical Spectroscopy
○T.Akaki, H.Morimoto, H.Numakura, D.Terada and N.Tsuji
The 16th Int. Conf. on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-16)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Effect of Strain on Microstructure and Hardness of 1100 Aluminum Highly Deformed by Torsion
○Sunisa Khamsuk, Hiroki Adachi and Nobuhiro Tsuji
The 2011 Student Joint Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering
Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore
Dynamic Transformation from Austenite to Ferrite in 6Ni-0.1C Steel
○Nokeun Park, Akinobu Shibata and Nobuhiro Tsuji
The 2011 Student Joint Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering
Nanyang University of Technology, Singapore
"Identical Area Observations of Deformation Induced Martensitic Transformation in SUS304 Austenitic Stainless Steel" (The Best Poster Award (Gold Medal)受賞)
○Meichuan Chen, Daisuke Terada, Akinobu Shibata and Nobuhiro Tsuji
The 4th Int. Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale
"Development of Micromechanical Characterization Technique for Boundary Strength in Metallic Materials"
○Akinobu Shibata, Takashi Nagoshi, Masato Sone and Yakichi Higo
The 4th Int. Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale
Macro-, Meso- and Nano-scale Analysis of Deformation Behaviors in Nano-structured or Hetero-structured Metallic Materials
○N.Tsuji, D.Terada, G.Horii and M.Wadamori
The 4th Int. Workshop on Materials Behavior at Micro- and Nano-Scale
Usefulness of EBSD Analysis for Nanostructured Metals Fabricated by Severe Plastic Deformation
○N.Tsuji, T.Morimitsu, R.Yoda and D.Terada
EBSD 2011
Duesseldorf, Germany
“Development of Textured Coated Superconductor Substrate Tapes by Severe Plastic Deformation Processing”
○P.P.Bhattacharjee and N.Tsuji
“High-Temperature Severe Plastic Deformation of Ferritic Steel by Torsion”
○A.Setiawan, D.Terada and N.Tsuji
“Martensitic Transformation from Ultrafine Grained Austenite Fabricated by ARB in Fe-24Ni-0.3C” (Poster)
○H.R.Jafarian, E.Borhani, A.Shibata, D.Terada and N.Tsuji
“Annealing Behavior of Solution Treated and Aged Al-0.2wt%Sc Deformed by ARB” (Poster)
○E.Borhani, H.R.Jafarian, H.Adachi, D.Terada and N.Tsuji
Effect of strain on nanostructure formation in pure aluminum deformed by torsion (poster)
○Sunisa Khamsuk, Hiroki Adachi, Nobuhiro Tsuji
The 4th Int. Symp. on Nanostructures